Your questions answered

On average, 90% of our clients receive their orders in about two weeks from the time their order is confirmed with payment.
All our pricing is inclusive of duties. Local taxes are charged at the time of invoice. No surprise bills in the mail two weeks later from a customs broker.
Yes, all our pricing is in Canadian dollars.
No!!! All our goods are delivered to our mixing warehouse in the USA and inspected before our company owned truck picks them up and brings them to our Vancouver warehouse where your order is processed and checked for damages.
We handle each damage claim individually and work with the shipping company to get a replacement to you as quickly as possible.
Yes… we accept returns on parts purchases from us within 6 months of the date of purchase. You will be responsible to get the parts back to us and a credit will be issued against future purchases. Cash back requests are looked at on an individual basis. No returns on special order items, ever.
There is no secret that the parts prices listed on the internet are in USA Dollars. We sell in Canadian Dollars. The exchange rate, shipping costs, duties, credit card fee’s and a small operating profit are all part of a Canadian pricing. We also offer free delivery in the GVRD and excellent shipping rates for all other areas.
We are a working warehouse with boxes and equipment moving around at a rapid pace. Our sales office is in a difficult building from our distribution center so the staff at the warehouse will not be of much help when it comes to your order most of the time as they are busy moving inventory and building orders. We offer free delivery to the GVRD for your convenience.
The pandemic underscored that operating a retail store demanded excessive time, staff, and space. Allocating resources for in-store waiting wasn't efficient. Often, walk-ins coincided with our sales team handling calls or assisting clients, hindering our service quality. Thus, we transitioned to 100% remote channels—phone, text, and email—for enhanced service. We transformed our former retail space into a dynamic production and packaging hub for our proprietary car care products.